Sunday, May 7, 2017

Womanhood, Femininity and Cancer- May 10th

We know that a cancer diagnosis and treatment can effect women in many different ways. Studies have shown that women who undergo a mastectomy perceive a loss of femininity. This month the #gyncsm community will discuss how a gyn cancer related diagnosis, surgeries and treatments can affect a women's femininity. How has surgery, chemotherapy treatments, scars and emotional issues affected you as a woman since your diagnosis?

Join us on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 9pm ET ( 8pm CT/ 6pm PT) as we use these questions to guide our discussion:

T1: Growing up, what did womanhood and femininity mean for you? How did you relate to these ideas?

T2: How do patients and loved ones react when they learn female organs (ovaries, tubes, uterus, cervix, etc) may need to be removed?

T3: How concerned were you with ideas of womanhood, femininity, and body image as you started treatment? Do patients bring this up?

T4: In what ways has your diagnosis impacted your relationships, sexuality and your image as a women? Where do you seek support?

T5: What are some pelvic health resources for those impacted by cancer-related diagnoses?

You can prepare for this chat by reviewing these resources:

"Altered Sexuality and Body Image after Gynecological Cancer Treatment: How Can Psychologists Help?"

"Gender Identity Issues in Online Early-stage Gynecological Patient Discussions"

Christina and I look forward to seeing you on the 10th. 

#gyncsm Co-Founder

You can use THIS TOOL to determine the chat time in your local time zone.

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