Wednesday, September 13, 2023

9/13/2023 How do we #MoveTheMessage? Raising Awareness of Gyn Cancers

As we celebrated our 10th Anniversary as a Community on X/Twitter we were happy to be joined by Foundation for Women's Cancer, Cervivorand Powell-Drescher Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation to discuss how to raise awareness of gynecologic cancers.

We had 19 participants and 1.2 million impressions. You may find more analytics here and the transcript here

Here are some tweets that highlighted key points mentioned during the chat.  

T1 What are some of the things you, or your organization, do to raise awareness of GYN cancers? Are there things you've tried in expanding your reach to underserved communities? 


T2: What are some of the key points to share when raising awareness about #CervicalCancer? What do you wish others knew? #gyncsm #MovetheMessage 


T3: What are some of the key points to share when raising awareness about #UterineCancer and #EndometrialCancer? What do you wish others knew? #gyncsm #MovetheMessage 

T4: What are some of the key points to share when raising awareness about #OvarianCancer? What do you wish others knew? #gyncsm #MoveTheMessage

T5: Vaginal, vulvar, and several other gyn cancer types are rare. With fewer advocates and organizations to speak about these cancers, how can we educate more people? What is most important to know? #gyncsm #MovetheMessage

You can visit the #gyncsm community blog Resources page to find links to some of the groups and/or info for the rarer forms of gyn cancer

We'd love your feedback on these three #gyncsm community questions. Feel free to comment in the box below or on Twitter.

Question 1 : Approximately how long have you followed the #gyncsm hashtag? What has the cancer community on this platform meant to you?

Question 2: How are you feeling about the cancer community on this platform now? Do you have back-up plans if/when this platform is no longer a good fit for you?

 Question 3: What chat topics have you found most helpful? What topics would you like #gyncsm to cover in future chats? 

Note there is no #gyncsm chat in October. Stay tuned for information about our next chat in November on Wednesday, November 8th at 8pm ET. 

Thanks again to all our health moderators and supporters through the years.

Dee and Christina 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

How do we #MoveTheMessage? Raising Awareness of Gyn Cancers 9/13/2023

We hope you can join us on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 8pm ET for our chat about raising awareness of gynecologic cancers titled How do we #MoveTheMessage ? We will be joined by Gail O'Hara, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations for the Foundation for Women's Cancer to share information about the types of gyn cancers - ovarian, endometrial, vulvar, cervical and vaginal. We'll also have guests from Cervivor, ECANA, and Powell-Drescher Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation.

Are you doing anything special this month to raise awareness? Are there organizations you work with to help raise awareness and educate about cancers below the belt? If there are, we hope you will share their information with our community. Our discussion will be guided by these questions:
T1: What are some of the things you, or your organization, do to raise awareness of GYN cancers? Are there things you've tried in expanding your reach to underserved communities?

T2: What are some of the key points to share when raising awareness about #CervicalCancer? What do you wish others knew?

T3: What are some of the key points to share when raising awareness about #UterineCancer and #EndometrialCancer? What do you wish others knew?

T4: What are some of the key points to share when raising awareness about #OvarianCancer? What do you wish others knew?

T5: Vaginal, vulvar, and several other gyn cancer types are rare. With fewer advocates and organizations to speak about these cancers, how can we educate more people? What is most important to know?

There is another reason why we hope you will join us this month. GYNcancer community will be celebrating our tenth anniversary as a community and chat on X (/Twitter) .

We appreciate the support and guidance provided by so many in our community that made our community a success and helped us achieve our mission to provide a place where those with a gynecologic cancer-related diagnosis and their caregivers can find reliable information and support, and to provide a place where health care providers can gain insight into the patient experience, discovering what topics/issues are most important to gyn cancer patients. We'd love your feedback on the following questions:
#GYNCSM Community Question 1: Approximately how long have you followed the #gyncsm hashtag? What has the cancer community on this platform meant to you?

#GYNCSM Community Question 2: How are you feeling about the cancer community on this platform now? Do you have back-up plans if/when this platform is no longer a good fit for you?

 #GYNCSM Community Question 3: What chat topics have you found most helpful? What topics would you like #gyncsm to cover in future chats?

See you on Wednesday at 8pm. 

Co-founder #GYNcsm Community