Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Supplements / Vitamins Are they helpful? May 8, 2019 Chat

We were pleased to have Stacy Kennedy MPH,RD (@stacykennedyrd) join us for this informative chat on vitamins and supplements.  You may find a complete transcript here and analytics here.
Vitamins - a nutrient that the body needs in small amounts to function and stay healthy. 
Supplement - a substance taken to remedy the deficiencies in a person's diet. 

Here are a few sample responses to our questions:

T1: Can vitamins be helpful to a woman diagnosed with a cancer at each point in her cancer experience - before, during and after treatment? Are there vitamin studies related to gynecologic cancers specifically?

  • vitamins, from foods, are important for women diagnosed with cancer at each point in her experience
  • Amounts & levels needed from food, and in some cases supplements, vary by individual based on many factors
  • connecting to a nutrition expert in oncology is helpful and looking for reliable resources, like
  • a plant-based well balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight and regular exercise are shown to be helpful for many gyn cancers
  • ndividualize your vitamin and supplement use while being treated for cancer. What's right for one person may not be right for another.

T2: Are there vitamins and supplements a gynecologic cancer patient should avoid during treatment - surgery/chemo/radiation/immunotherapy? What about concerns that some vitamins and supplements help cancer grow?

  • yes, there are supplements to avoid during specific treatments. for example, high dose antioxidant supplements during radiation therapy
  • For surgery, many supplements can have blood thinning effects and should be avoided before and after for a period of time. Your MD can advise.
  • Just like with what TO take, what not to take is very individualized. Get help from your cancer pharmacy, gyn/onc, primary doc, nutritionists and/or others to be sure everything that you are taking works with your treatment.
  • It’s also important to avoid high dose antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A C and E during chemo such as platinum.
  • talking to a pharmacist can insure your medications are not conflicting with your treatments.
  • also individualize what foods you eat. certain fruit like grapefruit can interfere with the metabolism of some drugs. ask!

T3: Which supplements are most helpful for cancer patients and are shown to boost the immune system? Where can reliable information about supplements be found?

T4: Studies have show than Vitamin D is beneficial for colon cancer patients. Is there potential to benefit gynecologic cancer patients as well?

T5: Are there foods patients can eat to get the vitamins they need in place of pills? What are some resources to learn more about nutrition after a cancer diagnosis?

Additional resources shared during the chat may be found below.

Note that there will be no #gyncsm chat in June.  Mark your calendar for our next chat on Wed July 10th at 9pmET. 

Thanks to everyone who has been tweeting using the #gyncsm hashtag.

See you in July!

#gyncsm Co-founder


Dana Farber Nutritional Services -
What Are the Best Vitamins for Cancer Patients -

Mobile Nutrition and Recipe App

Conquer Magazine - What Should People With Cancer Eat

ChemoCare - Vitamins and Cancer ...

ASCO Post - Avoiding Antioxidant-Drug Interactions During Cancer Treatment -

Cancerdotnet - Myths about Cancer and Food Explained

American Institute for Cancer Research

American Cancer Society - Dietary Supplements - What is Safe?

NIH Dietary Supplements

Sunday, May 5, 2019

May 8, 2019 Chat - Supplements / Vitamins Are they Helpful?

The #gyncsm Community spoke about nutrition in 2015. Since then there have been a number of questions about the helpfulness of vitamins and supplements during treatment and to reduce the risk for cancers and cancer recurrence. This month on May 8, 2019 at 9pm ET (8pm Central, 6pm Pacific) we will chat about Supplements / Vitamins - Are They Helpful? We'll discuss what has shown to be helpful, what to avoid, what helps your immune system, the benefits of vitamin D and pill-based vs. food-based.

Guiding our discussion will be the following Topic Questions (T#):
T1: Can vitamins be helpful to a woman diagnosed with a cancer at each point in her cancer experience - before, during and after treatment? Are there vitamin studies related to gynecologic cancers specifically?

T2: Are there vitamins and supplements a gynecologic cancer patient should avoid during treatment - surgery/chemo/radiation/immunotherapy? What about concerns that some vitamins and supplements help cancer grow?

T3: Which supplements are most helpful for cancer patients and are shown to boost the immune system? Where can reliable information about supplements be found?

T4: Studies have show than Vitamin D is beneficial for colon cancer patients. Is there potential to benefit gynecologic cancer patients as well?

T5: Are there foods patients can eat to get the vitamins they need in place of pills? What are some resources to learn more about nutrition after a cancer diagnosis?

In preparation for the chat, you may be interested in this podcast from Cancer.Net
5 Myths about Cancer and Food, Explained by Dietitians

May 8th is also World Ovarian Cancer Day.

You may find more information about the day at

We hope you can join us! 

#gyncsm Co-founder