Friday, January 9, 2015

January Chat Topic Questions : Gynecologic Cancer Risk Factors

Happy New Year!

We begin this year's chats on January 14, 2015 at 9 pm EST. We will be discussing the risk factors for gynecologic cancers. "risk factor is anything that increases a person’s chance of developing cancer." - @cancerdotnet.  

Following the questions you will find links to information from Cancer.Net, the Mayo Clinic and the Foundation for Women's Cancer on the risk factors of each gynecologic cancer.

Topic Questions:
T1A: Are you aware of the risk factors for gyn cancers? When did you learn them? How have they influenced your health decisions?
T1B: Providers - Have your patients asked you about risk factors before or after diagnosis?

T2: Viral infections caused by HPV virus raise risk for cervical, vaginal & vulvar cancers. What do women & parents need to know?

T3: What is DES (Diethystibestrol)? How are women exposed to the hormone? What are the risks?

T4: Genetics are thought to account for as much as 25% of GYN cancers. BRCA has received media attn. What are other genetic risks?

T5: Have you tried to reduce your risk for cancer, recurrence or other cancers? What can women do w/ the info about risk factors?

Links for Gyn Cancer Risks:

Risk factors for ovarian cancer  from @cancerdotnet

Risk factors for cervical cancer from @cancerdotnet

Risk factors for uterine cancers from @cancerdotnet

Risk factors for endometrial cancer from @MayoClinic

Risk factors for fallopian tube cancer @cancerdotnet

Risks for vaginal cancer from @cancerdotnet

Risk for vulvar cancer from @MayoClinic

Risks for GTD @GYNcancer

Risks for #primaryperitoneal cancer @GYNcancer

We look forward to having you join us. 


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