Saturday, September 7, 2024

So You Want To Be An Advocate - Personal, Legislative & Research - Sept 11, 2024 Chat

This quarter, our chat occurs during Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month (#GCAM). What better time than this to have the #gyncsm community chat about the different types of advocacy. 

We are happy that we will have representatives join us from OCRA (Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance @ocrahope) and GRASP (Guiding Researchers and Advocates to Scientific Partnerships @GRASPtweets). We will discuss how you can be an advocate for yourself, how you can advocate at the state and national level to fund research and ensure that gyn cancer patients have access to the best treatments, and how you can be a research advocate. 

Join us on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 8pm ET (7pm CT, 5pm PT). Below are the topic questions that will guide our chat.

T1: How do you personally advocate for your own gyn health, the health of your patients or, as a caregiver/loved one, for others?

T2: What are some tips and resources for being an effective advocate for yourself or your loved ones in the healthcare system? 

T3: What does being a "research advocate" involve? What are some of the ways people can get involved with cancer research - like grant review, clinical trials design, research dissemination, and/or conferences?

T4: How can patients and advocates keep up with research? What resources are out there to help us better understand the science?

T5: What are some tips when it comes to reaching out to Congress or your local legislatures about cancer research? What has shown to be effective?

T6: For gynecologic cancers, what are the barriers in raising awareness and advocating for improvements in care? What issues do you think it's important for the #gyncsm community to advocate around? 

In addition to it being #GCAM, this month we celebrate our 11th anniversary as a community and chat. We have so many of you to thank for our success. We appreciate each of you!

Note that we will be sharing a Google Form Survey at the end of the chat, and in the summary chat blog post, so you will be able to share your thoughts and ideas about how #gyncsm can best serve patients, caregivers and health care providers. 


We hope to see you on Wednesday night!

Dee and Christina

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