Thursday, September 8, 2022

Clinical Trials: When, How and For Whom - 9/14/22

It's Ovarian Cancer and Gynecologic Cancer Awareness month! 
Thanks for all you do to raise awareness.

We hope you will join Christina and I on Wednesday September 14, 2022 at 8pm ET as we chat about Clinical Trials. We will concentrate on when and who should consider clinical trials and how to find and take part in a clinical trial. If you have taken part in a clinical trial, we invite you to join us and share your experience and help others feel comfortable taking part in a trial.

And another reason to join us is to help us celebrate our 9th Anniversary as a chat and Twitter community. 

 Guiding our discussion will be the following Topic Questions:

T1: What are some basic facts and key points about clinical trials that people should be aware of?

T2: When should a clinical trial be considered? Does a patient need to bring up their interest in participating in a trial?

T3: Before starting their clinical trial search, what information do patients need? What is helpful to consider/decide ahead of time?

T4: How can patients search for trials? What keywords are helpful? Are there specific search sites for gyn cancers?

T5: Who is a “good candidate” for a trial? What is a study protocol? Where can patients get help on the terminology used like informed consent, eligibility, exclusion criteria, etc.?

T6: What questions are important to ask when contacting the study team? What factors should be considered?

T7: For those who have been involved in a #clinicaltrial: What phase trial was it? What benefits or drawbacks did you experience?
If you have not participated in a clinical trial, what are some reasons you did not?

For more information on Clinical Trials, here's a Clinical Trial Jargon Busting Guide from PEN:

And did you know that there are different types of clinical studies? Check out the NIH infographic below which shares some helpful information.

See you on Wednesday!

Dee and Christina

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