Thursday, April 24, 2014

May 8th is World Ovarian Cancer Day

Two weeks from today on May 8th World Ovarian Cancer Day will take place. World Ovarian Cancer Day is a great way to raise awareness of the disease worldwide. Around 140,000 women worldwide will loose their lives to ovarian cancer. The first World Ovarian Cancer Day was held in 2013.

The #gyncsm community supports the efforts of World Ovarian Cancer Day to raise awareness of the symptoms of the disease, the importance of family history and the need to fund research.

We urge our followers to visit the World Ovarian Cancer Day website and to sign the pledge to share information about ovarian cancer with  five other women. If you are on Twitter you can spread the word using the hashtags #WOCD and #WorldOvarianCancerDay. You can also visit them on Facebook at

Help us spread the word!

#gyncsm co-moderator

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

News from the Annual SGO Meeting- April Chat

The Society of Gynecologic Oncologists met in Florida at the end of March for their annual meeting. During tonight's chat we asked the doctors and researchers these questions:

T1a: What SGO presentation did you find of most interest?

T1b: What SGO presentation do you think will interest patients most? What were some of the studies of note?

T2: In what areas is new research lacking? 

T3: Is there anything patients/survivors/advocates need to take immediate note of?

T4: Were there other session topics that resonated for you?

You can find the transcript of the night's talk here and analytics here.

Links for studies mentioned during the chat:

High volume cancer centers have better outcomes for gyn cancer pts; >1 year overall survival (OS)

Risk of high risk uterine cancer in BRCA patients -

Smarca4 in hypercalcemic type small cell ovary cancer

BRCA1 link to higher risk of aggressive uterine cancer

"Cancer doesn’t end women’s sex life” 

Obese women who had bariatric surgery 3 ½ times less likely to get uterine cancer than without surgery

JAMA paper on electric morcellation risks 

SGO had a position statement in Dec 2013 on morcellation too

SGO recommends genetic testing for all women dx w #ovca. even if no family history - a new position paper 

Meeting Abstracts:
SGO website

2014 SGO Mtg surgery & translational science overview 
2014 SGO Mtg #ovarian cancer overview
2014 SGO Mtg #cervical cancer overview
2014 SGO Mtg #uterine cancer overview with @dsmgyo 
World Ovarian Cancer Day is May 8th #WOCD #WorldOvarianCancerDay

Feel free to e-mail us (  or tweet us (@gyncsm)  if you have any questions. 

See you Wednesday May 14, 2014 9pm EST Topic: Parenting after a gyn cancer diagnosis
