Sunday, June 14, 2020

University of Pittsburgh - HELPeR Study

We are happy to support our friends at the University of Pittsburgh by sharing an opportunity to be part of the University's  HELPer (Health E-Librarian with Personalized Recommender engine)study. Dr. Heidi Donovan (@HeidiSDonovan)  and Dr. Young Ji Lee (@YoungJiLeePitt) are funded by the National Library of Medicine to develop a virtual librarian system for ovarian cancer patients and caregivers. Please find information from Dr Lee below.

Currently many patients and caregivers who sought health information on the web reported feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of unfiltered information and unqualified to determine the quality, and relevance of the information. The goal of HELPeR (Health E-Librarian with Personalized Recommender engine) study is to build a virtual librarian system that suggest information for ovarian cancer patients and caregivers reflecting their needs. We are especially interested in what information is most valuable to you when you are searching for online information, support, and resources related to ovarian cancer.

We look forward to seeing you in July for our chat on Gyn Cancer Research News. 

See you then, 

Dee and Christina