Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Oct 14,2015 Open Mic Chat

This Open Mic chat focused on topics of interest to our participants. It was great to see our regulars and some new faces. It was a lively hour with 35 participants and 406 tweets in the hour. You may find the transcript here and additional analytics here.

The initial question was about returning to work.
Advice included recruiting students to help, drink lots of water, take breaks, eat high energy snacks such as nuts, raisins and to take a nap when she got home.

Then a good source on immuno-oncology was shared along with some comments on Lynch Syndrome.

The discussion then turned to IP chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. Studies show IP chemotherapy provides an improved overall survival compared to IV chemotherapy.

The recent report on the safety of Hormone Replacement Therapy for epithelial ovarian cancer survivors was shared and discussed.

Next the topic of annual pelvic exams and a possible U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation was brought up.

We also discussed screening, family history, gyn awareness month activities, a timeline chart of long-term side effects post-chemo & radiation, risk of ovarian cancer in young women, surgical menopause and which supplements are recommended after BSO(bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy). 

 A link to a Brief survey for Cancer Survivors: How do you prefer to receive test results? was also shared.

Remember you can continue our conversation on Smart Patients (

We look forward to seeing you again next month on November 11, 2015 at 9pmE/8pmC/6pmP as we talk about Exercise and Nutrition. We are lining up some guests to share their expertise so the hour should be filled with helpful information. See you then!



IKCC website Understanding Immuno-oncology for Kidney Cancer

The Underutilization of Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for #OvarianCancer…

Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy Is Safe in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer…

Do Women Need an Annual Pelvic Exam…

 Book: 100 Questions & Answers About Ovarian Cancer by @drdonsdizon @womenofteal…

@NCICancerStats #OvarianCancer fact sheet:

What’s an Ashkenazi woman to do? Jewish Telegraphic Agency…

Friday, October 9, 2015

Open Mic - October 14, 2015 Chat

This month we are opening the discussion to topics our participants want to discuss.

What topics do you want to discuss?

What did you do in September to raise awareness or funds for gynecologic cancer research?
What it is like taking part in a clinical trial?
Quality of Life (QOL) issues?
The latest research on HRT and ovarian cancer?
Beta Blockers and ovarian cancer?
Why your son should get an HPV vaccine?
Has the pink ribbon gone too far?

Join us at 9pmET | 8pmCT | 6pmPT and bring your thoughts, questions and comments. See you on the 14th.

Co-Founder #gyncsm Chat