Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Surviving the Holidays - December 2014 Chat

This month we discussed how gynecologic cancer patients can "Survive the Holidays" while also dealing with treatment schedules, fatigue and the expectations of others. In addition to our Health Care Advisors (Dr D Dizon. Dr R Boulay, Dr A BeckerShutte), this month we were please to have The Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University (@LurieCancer) and Mary Jo Graden (@maryjograden) a certified oncology social worker at Lurie join us. 

We welcomed 32 participants, averaged 12 tweets per participant and had over 1 million            impressions. You can find more of our chat statistics here and the transcript of our chat here.

The topic questions that drove our discussion this evening were:
T1: How has your experience with cancer impacted your holiday traditions and celebrations?

T2: What tips can you offer to those going through the holidays while in active treatment?

T3: What's your advice on handling family and friends who still expect you to create the “perfect” holiday?

T4: How will your holidays be different this year? Will you ask for help? Did you ask your healthcare team about food & activities?

Please check below for the resources that were shared during the chat. Patients & caregivers are invited to continue our discussion on the Smart Patients platform at .

We look forward to you joining us on January 14th, 2014 for our discussion of "Gyn Cancer Risk Factors". 

Christina and I wish you a very Happy Holiday and a Healthy and Happy New Year. 



Celebrating the Holidays after a Cancer Diagnosis: A Survivor's Guide

Holiday Eating Tips If You're in Cancer Treatment via @AmericanCancer

Coping with Cancer and the Holidays - A Delicate Balance via @COPING_cancer

Five Ideas for Maintaining your Holiday Cheer  via @CancerDotNet 

4 Holiday Party Tips for Cancer Patients @MDAndersonNews 

Challenge of Self-Care during the Holidays via Cancer Help Hub

Topic of the Month: Coping With Cancer During the Holidays -

Heartfelt blog post via Mommy Upgrade on loss to cancer paired w/ mouth-watering make-ahead french toast recipe to bring a friend

The challenge of being alone - @CancerCare

Friday, December 5, 2014

December Chat Topic Questions- Surviving the Holidays

Below are the topic questions for this month's ( 9pm EST on Dec 10, 2014 ) chat on "Surviving the Holidays". We are pleased to have The Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University ( @LurieCancer ) join us for our discussion.

T1: How has your experience with cancer impacted your holiday traditions and celebrations?

T2: What tips can you offer to those going through the holidays while in active treatment?

T3: What's your advice on handling family and friends who still expect you to create the “perfect” holiday?

T4: How will your holidays be different this year? Will you ask for help? Did you ask your healthcare team about food & activities?

Christina and I look forward to having you join us for a lively and helpful discussion. 

#gyncsm Co-moderator