The topics questions were:
T1: When in the cancer
journey are sexual intimacy issues discussed w/ health care provider? Who
brings it up?
T1a: What sexual concerns are more prevalent? Are sexual issues a common side effect of treatment?
T1a: What sexual concerns are more prevalent? Are sexual issues a common side effect of treatment?
T2: What are tips & resources to maintain
intimacy and sexuality after cancer? Any for GYN cancer specifically?
T3: Before or after dx,
were fertility issues discussed? With who? What advice was given?
T4: What are some fertility
resources out there - especially ones focused on cancer patients?
T5: Where do you go to find emotional
support for fertility and sexuality issues?
If you were unable to join us, a transcript for the chat can be found here.
Next chat:
Demons of the mind - PTSD and mental health concerns
Wed July 9, 2014 at 9pmET
Sexuality and Fertility Resources:
Booklet - Ovarian Cancer Sexuality & Intimacy, by calling 1-888-OVARIAN or by sending an e-mail to
Center for Intimacy After Cancer Therapy, INC. CIACT
Coping with Cancer magazine - Is There Sex For Women After Cancer by Dr. D. Dizon
North American Menopause Society
Article: Sexual health as a survivorship issue for female cancer survivors Dr. D. Dizon
LiveSTRONG - Fertile Hope Initiative
The Oncofertility Consortium at Northwestern University / The Hormone Foundation
Resolve - National Infertility Association
Fertility and Cancer: Understanding Your Options
Fertility Preservation and Pregnancy in Women With and Without BRCA Mutation–Positive BC
Fertile Action (cancer patient focus)
Cancer.Net Sexual and Reproductive Health
DES and Fertility - Video
See you all in July,