Thank you to our moderators, survivors, caregivers, health care providers and "lurkers" who participated in our Open Mic chat. We covered a number of interesting topics including support groups, fertility discussions, when to see your PCP vs your oncologist, survivorship, etc. Here is a link to the transcript from tonight's #gyncsm chat.
Next month's chat topic ( 1/8/14 at 9pm EST) is cervical cancer.
Resources shared during the chat:
Cancer Action Network –Vision of progress
Woman to Woman
Stupid Cancer
Bright Pink
Cancer Schmancer
Ovarian Cancer
Discovery Deepens Knowledge of Survival Outcomes
Ovarian Cancer
Survivor Jill Pall Continues Fundraising Efforts to Help Kicking For The Dream
Fight Ovarian Cancer
Tweet handles shared
We at #gyncsm wish you all a Happy and Health Holiday.